Saturday, August 1, 2015

Supergirl in Action

Here are some photos from yesterday's action. It was another clay guy, but this time he was uptown. I can't tell you much about where he was rampaging because it was a secret government facility. But I can tell you, I saved a lot of lives, which the government seemed willing to sacrifice. I think the ugliest two words in English are "plausible deniability", about which is all that anyone in government cares.

The scene when I got there.

Going to save my first helicopter of the day.

Back to the building to save some poor guy hanging on for his life.

Into the building I go! Thanks to Batgirl's tech, I was able to hear (using some ear plugs), like sonar, where people were in all the dark and smoke of the burning building. I saved quite a few lives, but it was thanks to her. She is the best! 

Me flying out of the building.

Sadly, I couldn't save the clay guy. Sorry for the grossness of the image. That thing you see above was some kind of thing used by Wraith to get samples from clay guy. On the bright side, I did manage to save my bud Canary pictured next to me), who was also busy with the rest of us, including Wonder Girl (also pictured).

Friday, July 24, 2015

The Clay Guy

Today, some clay guy appeared out of nowhere and began reeking havoc. Supergirl and friends to the rescue!

Me pulling a guy out of a burning helicopter.

Me pulling a car off a guardrail on an overpass.
My friends Batgirl and Black Canary, aka the "Lady Knights". We were tossing that name around. What do you think?

Clay guy. More about him in future posts.

Me using super breath to put out a fire!

Me rescuing a cab and several people from falling into a crack in  the street.

This is why I like Batgirl: She will face off against this guy who is about a hundred weight classes above her.

Here's my girl Canary doing her thing against Clay Guy.

This is what you do when a gun shop is on fire: Go inside and blow as cold as you can!

This is me trying to freeze Clay Guy, as Canary sings him her version of a lullaby.

Look! My cousin  showed up to add some "cooling comments".

We got him!

Unfortunately, he got hit by a truck, and I had to rush him to the hospital, where he died. I really tried to save him. Please believe me?

Thursday, July 23, 2015

The Supers

I had a chat with my cousin tonight. I will talk more about it later.

UPDATE: He is just worried that I am being too open with all of you. Maybe I am, but I believe in communication as the first step to understanding. If we don't talk, then I will just remain alien to you, and you to me.

Friday, July 17, 2015

...and the Royal Flush Gang too!

It has been a busy day for this little heroine. Just when I finish with Livewire, I run into the Batfake, and then I hear an explosion! The royal Flush Gang was robbing the bank!

Amazingly, after the initial explosion, nobody was hurt. Unfortunately, I ended up spending most of the time holding up the bank building, which got damaged. Fortunately, my cousin took care of the bad guys, as Batgirl got the civvies out of the building. Whew! Busy day.

Supergirl versus Livewire

Here are some pics from my last battle:

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Lady Justice League versus Poison Ivy

This super group thing is pretty cool! Today, Lady Justice League fought a crazy plant lady named Poison Ivy. Here she is:

See the lady on the left? That's Starfire. She might be a new member of Lady Justice League.

Looks easy, right? Look again...

Yes, that's Plant-zilla. Crazy plant lady with crazy plant monster equals BIG trouble!

This is where I learn that giant plant monsters have really bad breath...

Wonder Girl and Batgirl were having as much trouble with Plant-zilla as I was.

Black Canary using her big mouth again! Just kidding, although I'm glad she's on my team!

Do you really want to mess with this? I don't advise it...

Here's Wonder Girl adding the finishing touches to Poison Ivy. Wonder Girl is the definition of "bad cop": She'll make you confess to your crime, and then you'll lock yourself up in your cell, just cause she said so!

Starfire seems nice. Maybe our newest member? The criminals of Metropolis better find new work.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Supergirl's Reply to Lois Lane

Dear Miss Lane,
This is my reply to your editorial published in the Daily Planet on July 11th.

In the editorial you stated, "She calls herself 'Supergirl', and she claims she's the cousin of Superman." 

If you don't like the nickname "Supergirl", I also mentioned my real name, Kara Zor-El. You are more than welcome to call me "Kara", or "Ms. Zor-El". I can respect that you might consider "Supergirl" a bit over the top. I only chose that nickname because everyone was calling my cousin "Superman". If you're going to call him Superman, I think I am well within my rights to ask for the Supergirl nickname, don't you?

"She made declarations referring to herself and Superman as "refugees" to our planet, despite that in the public eye others have seen them both as invaders, or illegal-occupants."

Invaders? Illegal-occupants? Who has called me these things? Strawman much, Miss Lane? Or let's be honest, is this what YOU think?

Whatever the case, the last thing I "invaded" was my own fridge, which I paid for with money I earned from a job that I work. Yes, aside from the whole flying and being bulletproof and saving stranded kittens thing, I live a normal life like any of you. While I do maintain a secret identity, that is for the safety of humans to whom I am close. It isn't some super-secret fifth column of invaders from Krypton thing. Get real, Lois.

Illegal-occupants? I have two small apartments: One in Metropolis, and one in another city (for the purpose of my secret identity, it will remain unknown at this time). Both are one-room apartments, and I pay rent for both, under two perfectly legal leases. Currently, I own no land, either through purchase, lease, or military conquest.

However, since the legality of my immigration status bothers you, here is my reply: How do aliens from another world immigrate to your country? The problem is there is no legal status available. I can't pop into the American consulate on Krypton and arrange for a visa or a work permit. How do I claim refugee status from a planet that no longer exists? Under your legal code, there is no such thing. To use George Orwell's term, I am an "unperson": I don't exist, even though "cogito ergo sum" (I think, therefore I am). Go figure.

But back to your opinion piece...

"In the chaos that ensued [at the July 4th parade] one soldier was killed by the meta-terrorist before being confronted by military sponsored meta-human, Captain Atom."

I notice how you conveniently ignored the fact that I also confronted the terrorist. As you noted later, the terrorist was handed over to the military that day, but somehow was free the following weekend, when he decided to attack a video arcade, again recklessly endangering civilians. This is how your military protects your people? Since your opinion piece was written prior to last weekend, I will add in some more recent information: This past weekend, I brought him back to the police, after my meta human friends and I re-captured him.  

"With the exception of Captain Atom and Captain Marvel, none of these heroes seemed to show any concern for the safety of the innocent bystanders, leaving authorities and selfless citizens to help usher the panicked crowds out of the area."

Miss Lane, with all due respect, you are wrong. I assisted Captain Marvel when the parade stand was destroyed by the terrorist's attack, holding it up so citizens could scramble off of it. On top of that, most of my attention was spent trying to prevent the terrorists from attacking innocent civilians. By keeping the terrorists busy, it allowed authorities to get the citizens out of the way of harm.

I am "meta human", but I am only one person. I did as much as any one meta human could do that day, and your accusations are not only false, but they are libelous. 

"Our world changed dramatically with the arrival of the Man of Steel, and now again today our city has changed and it's questionable for the better or worse."

You would prefer my cousin and I never arrived on Earth, and evil meta humans would just take over and enslave the human race? You blame Kryptonians for the evil acts of others, even as we try to save and protect humans?

In 1945, when President Truman ordered the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, he did so knowing that a conventional attack of the Japanese mainland would put literally millions of lives, both American and Japanese, at risk. Even assuming the highest death estimates, Truman killed 250,000 Japanese civilians in order to save the lives of millions in both countries.

Using your logic, you would have us label Truman as a genocidal maniac.

Fortunately for you, and the citizens of Metropolis and Earth, there are powerful people willing to look past your short-sighted view of the world, and risk themselves for the safety of you and the people of Earth. Just speaking for myself, I don't necessarily expect your thanks, but your ingratitude is unbecoming.  

Kara Zor-El, aka Supergirl