Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Supergirl's Reply to the President

The President had this to say about the events from the July 4th parade, but I would like to reply to specific points he made.

First: "Several lives were lost. An air strike was ordered [into] Metropolis in order to secure American citizens safety from alien, criminal and meta human threats."

Safety from WHAT aliens? As far as I saw, the only aliens on the scene were my cousin and myself. I consider the president's words offensive and inciting hatred against Superman and myself. Although he can say such things without fear of retaliation from Kryptonians, that doesn't make it right.

Second: "Those with special abilities should do like Captain Atom, Wonderwoman, and Wondergirl.. and be government processed. Vigilante heroes although welcomed for their efforts, should register themselves with Meta Human affairs."

So by registering with the government, these "meta human threats" suddenly become ok? As we saw at that event, when the U.S. government called a bomb strike down on it's own city, threatening the lives of it's own people, our own government is no more respectable than the criminal elements they claim to be fighting.

Please understand, I am NOT disrespecting heroes such as Captain Atom, Wonder Woman, or Wonder Girl. All of them are heroes, regardless of government registration or not. But there were other heroes at the parade:

The woman on the left took on Knockout, one of the deadliest villains in Metropolis. I don't know who this woman is, but I do wish to compliment her on her efforts. From what I understand, the "woman in black" may have prevented the theft of some top secret government technology. Yet I doubt she is "registered", since I don't even know her name.

Mr. President, being a vigilante doesn't necessarily make someone evil or wrong, or even dangerous to the public. You are letting fear direct your words, and by extension stoking the flames of hatred against meta humans who have nothing but the best of intentions towards you and the United States. While it was meta human criminals who did threaten the public during that event, it was also meta human AND aliens who protected the public and SAVED LIVES. That fact should not be forgotten in the discussion of what happened that day.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. ((IC))

    "Dear Supergirl, not sure if you read these comments but this is Billy Batson. I'm the newsboy you and the other super-ladies saved from the Bad Batman at Jitters a couple weeks back. Firstly, thanks so much for your help that day and every other day since then. Secondly, this statement is awesome! I was there, and I saw things exactly as you saw them. Do you mind if I re-blog it on my Metahuman blog? Keep fighting the good fight!

    ~Sincerely, Billy.

    P.S. The new blue costume is way cooler, it's trending highest on Twitter! Shortly followed by the white one that people saw you wear temporarily. Some of my fellow bloggers call it the "Krypthong" which I wasn't impressed by. I'm SO un-following those guys. And some people aren't sure about the new hairstyle, but pfft.. I'd like to see them keep perfect hair at mach 5! You rock it!"

    1. ((My IC reply: ))
